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QuickTake Webinar

How Smart Picking Drives Warehouse Efficiency

How Smart Picking Drives Warehouse Efficiency

There are a number of different picking methods to choose from. What makes sense for your operations depends on many things, but experience has shown that for high-volume DTC fulfillment, Smart Picking algorithms can’t be beat.

Topics will include:

  • A review of common picking strategies
  • Introduction to Smart Picking
  • Smart Picking vs. Cluster Picking: A case study

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How Smart Picking Drives Warehouse Efficiency

How Smart Picking Drives Warehouse Efficiency
When fulfillment operations reach a certain size and complexity, more efficient picking and packing methods need to be employed. Put Walls can be a key element in the creation of a more efficient approach to order fulfillment and help you scale your operations.

In this webinar, we’ll discuss:

  • What Put Walls are and how they interact with other technology
  • The impact of Put Walls on labor efficiency and order accuracy
  • Key considerations when setting up your Put Wall infrastructure